TEC Announces another Breakthrough in Network
Feeder Fault Locating...
Introducing the "EURO" TEC-X35
The EURO X35 pre-locates underground network
feeder faults from above ground without opening manholes. The new device from TEC is
designed to operate on 50 cycle utilities, establishing an international position.
Using similar advanced state of the art signal processing as the
established X35, the EURO X35 removes background noise and
interference to display a "picture" of the "thumper" or
"thyratron" signals from DC high voltage test sets.
Field operators can then travel the route of the feeder while tracing
the test set signal to pre-locate the fault, entering manholes only for pin-pointing.
The EURO X35 displays "polarized"
thumper signals which provides the operator with directional information when searching
for the fault.